Be Careful On Beijing’s Roads Today: Icy Conditions Caused A 100-Car Pileup This Morning

Beijing traffic accident due to slick roads

At 10:55 am today, Xinhua issued a road advisory warning drivers about unusually slick roads that were like a “skating rink” due to icy precipitation.

The notice should’ve come earlier.

On Jingcheng Highway this very morning, more than 100 cars were involved in a chain-reaction crash, according to netizens on Sina Weibo, and by all appearances it doesn’t look like we’ve seen the last of the accidents:

Beijing traffic accident due to slick roads 2 Beijing chain reaction icy streets

Our friends have also informed that conditions are particularly bad, like driving on black ice. Bikers and scooterists should also take caution.

This one we can’t even blame on pollution, which is currently merely “very unhealthy.” It’s raining ice out there, which apparently poses a much more immediate danger. We wonder if overseas media will breathlessly cover this story.

(H/T Ellen, Alicia)

UPDATE, 2/1, 2:25 am: Here’s a video:

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