Kudos go out to The Atlantic for the launch of its new section, China Channel. In the introduction, overseeing editor Matt Schiavenza describes this country as “a defining story in the contemporary world,” and articulates the desire “to sustain a closer, clearer exploration.”
They start with a collection of pictures from Tom Carter, author of CHINA: Portrait of a People. You might have seen some of these before, but it’s a good reminder that, as Carter writes, “China is not just one place, one people, but 33 distinct regions populated by 56 different ethnicities, each with their own languages, customs and lifestyles.”
A small sampling:
I want to hope that those photos were taken in the 80s, but I know they’re not and that makes me sad.
80′s fashion is part of rural China’s charm! Don’t be sad; I hear the 80′s is making a come-back out west anyway, which means that the Chinese are trend setters
If it means we get the Smiths back I’m all for it!
Tom Carter is a personal friend, presumably.
Those are just point-and-click photos.
You are right on the money, Mr. O’Dicks. “Just” point-and-shoot snapshots that I took with a 4-megapixel camera while backpacking around the country, meeting people and getting into adventures.
Thank you, Comrade Tao. I sincerely appreciate the shout-out – am a fan of your site, and even, nay, especially all its snarky commentators.