That Video Of Chengguan Chasing A Chicken Has Been Set To The Benny Hill Theme

You asked for it — you, Jeff Crosby — so here you go: chengguan chases chicken, set to Boots Randolph’s Yakety Sax. Go, chengguan, go.

    One Response to “That Video Of Chengguan Chasing A Chicken Has Been Set To The Benny Hill Theme”

    1. Michael

      So Chinese. You have about 3 seconds of footage, so you just play if over and over with a funny theme song. This reminds me of a) the goofy/inane subway TV shows showing pets doing funny things and b) watching local TV in China and seeing the same commercial looped 8 times, because the station couldn’t get enough advertisers.

      This would be awesome if there was more material, but it looks like they’ve got about 7 seconds of actual footage there.

      3 out of 5 饺子.


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