Chinese Dance Instructor Physically And Verbally Assaults Teenage Students

A recently uploaded video by Youku user 比利时巧克力2, titled “Beijing dance instructor causes worldwide stir, physically and verbally assaults students,” has been viewed 1.4 million times in the past three days. Chinese-version China Daily got in touch with the Youku user, who said the video comes from an (unidentified) international video-sharing site and was uploaded last November.

The teacher in the video is clearly speaking Chinese — translated subtitles were in the original upload — but the media has yet to confirm whether this happened in Beijing, which is what the Youku user claims.

The teacher clearly kicks her students — just 13- and 14-year-old girls, according to the Youku description — in addition to slapping and berating them. It’s a despicable display. She’s “China’s Mike Rice” — the recently fired Rutgers head basketball coach who resorted to such corporeal punishment – notes Mark Dreyer… only so much worse.

    3 Responses to “Chinese Dance Instructor Physically And Verbally Assaults Teenage Students”

    1. Gay Chevara

      Very good. It’s about time a Chinese teacher instilled some discipline into these lazy, passive 90′s Gen kids. Good for her!


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