Onlookers Watch In Horror As Drunk Man Scales Electricity Pole, Dangles From Wires… And Falls

How many ways should this guy have died?

1. Electrocuted because he was dangling from high-voltage wires
2. Ceased to exist after plummeting 20 meters to whatever’s below
3. Alcohol poisoning

Miraculously, he’s not only alive and well at the end of his adventure, but uninjured, thanks to fast-acting rescue workers putting out a tarp to catch him and, before that, quick-thinking electric bureau workers shutting off the electricity.

This happened on Friday, March 29, at about 10 am in Linfen, Shanxi province. How this man got so drunk by mid-morning, we can only guess. And that guess is: baijiu.

We really like the dialogue in this video, by the way. A man and a woman wonder out loud why he hasn’t been electrocuted, and then she realizes that there’s no power anywhere on the block, and she connects the dots.

“Oh, it was because of him?” she says. “No wonder!”

Watch as the people gasp when he falls at the 1:52 mark in the above. And then, anticlimax as the same thought crosses everyone’s mind: what a drunk asshole!


    One Response to “Onlookers Watch In Horror As Drunk Man Scales Electricity Pole, Dangles From Wires… And Falls”

    1. Gar Jives

      Unlikely that he would get shocked. You need to be in contact with the earth via a conductor (“earthed”). That’s why birds don’t get shocked on wires.



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