Top-of-the-Week Links: Chinese students attacked in France, Bruce Lee statue unveiled in LA, Chen Guangcheng blames Beijing

Bruce Lee statue in Chinatown
Via Angry Asian Man: “Over the weekend in Los Angeles, the one and only Bruce Lee was honored with the unveiling of a new statue of the martial arts legend in Chinatown — the first and only statue of its kind in the United States: Historic Dedication Made In Honor Of Bruce Lee During LA Chinatown’s 75th Anniversary.”

I’m on the road until next month, so apologies in advance for sporadic posts. Links now.

Chinese students attacked in France. “China’s internet users reacted with outrage to reports of a racist assault on six Chinese students studying in France, while others denounced the victims as children of wealthy officials. // The oenology students were attacked early on Saturday in the wine-producing Bordeaux region, France’s interior ministry said, describing the violence as an act of xenophobia.” (SCMP)

Propaganda commence. “China’s official army newspaper on Sunday branded the United States Internet surveillance programme exposed by former spy Edward Snowden as ‘frightening,’ and accused the US of being a ‘habitual offender’ when it comes to network monitoring. // The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Daily hit out at the US for implying that spying on citizens from other countries was justified, and said that the PRISM monitoring programme had probably been used to collect large amounts of data unrelated to anti-terrorism operations.” (AFP)

Whoa, Tracy. We can hear you. 

Journalist: Tracy, this past season you played in the CBA. Which Chinese players do you think have the potential to play in the NBA?

McGrady: None. Not one.

Journalist: What about Wang Zhelin?

McGrady: I don’t know who that is.

Journalist: That young Chinese player… He’s tall, he plays for Fujian.

McGrady: I don’t know. I can’t remember.

Journalist: The really tall one, taller than 2.13 meters.

McGrady: I don’t know him. China has a lot of tall young guys. I can’t remember.


Surprise, surprise. “Blind Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng has linked his departure from New York University to “unrelenting pressure” from Beijing.” (BBC)

That’s nice of them. “Police came to the help of a distraught foreigner who had burst into years after getting lost in his apartment complex in Nanjing on June 10, reports. // The man, a French citizen surnamed Royer who had recently arrived in the country, approached apartment security for help when he couldn’t remember which one of the 91 buildings (!) in the complex contained his apartment.” (Shanghaiist)

Edward Snowden’s hottie girlfriend… in China? “It has been reported that Edward Snowden left his girlfriend, Lindsay Mills, when he went to Hong Kong. // But are we sure about that? A tipster sends me evidence that shows that Mills once lived in China for six months, and spoke to a Hong Kong photographer about her desire to visit Hong Kong — the very city, as it happens, where Snowden is now staying as he seeks a country that will give him asylum.” (Patterico’s Pontifications)

Really bad airport employee doesn’t care for boxes interlude, via Reddit:


More on China’s humiliating loss to Thailand. (Danwei)

This damn festival: Yun Lun dog meat. (Care for Chinese Animals)

Netizen reactions to Murdoch divorce. (SCMP)

Is Rupert done with China? (Young’s China Business Blog)

“Wife severs husband’s penis to preserve marriage.” (Shanghaiist)

“For 2013, McDonald’s plans to open 300 new restaurants in China.” (China Beverage News)

Finally, finally…

Anti-pervert stockings, via chinaSMACK:
Anti-pervert hairy stockings for girls

    One Response to “Top-of-the-Week Links: Chinese students attacked in France, Bruce Lee statue unveiled in LA, Chen Guangcheng blames Beijing”

    1. Anthony Tao's Tongue Licks My Cheesy Foreskin

      The French guys beating up the Chinese expats is excellent news. Now Chinese people know how it feels like to be an ethnic minority. I think this should be encouraged. Everyone hates the Chinese, they are the Jews of Asia. .


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