Fall In Love With Xinjiang In Christoph Rehage’s “The Longest Way 2.0”

In 2008, Christoph Rehage walked more than 4,500 kilometers through China, grew a beard, and made an incredible video that made it to No. 8 on Time.com’s list of top viral videos of 2009. It was called “The Longest Way.”

Rehage’s follow-up, “The Longest Way 2.0 – Back to Xinjiang,” is just as stunningly good. Released two weeks ago on Vimeo, it details Rehage’s 865-kilometer “summer stroll” from Urumqi to Khorgas, featuring footage from 2010 to 2012.

The images are mesmerizing, from city streets to schools, apartments, banquet tables, deserts, highways and lakes. And tunnels. One really long tunnel that sucks.

You just might find yourself planning a Xinjiang trip after watching this.

For more, check out Rehage’s website, The Longest Way.

(H/T China Adventurer)

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