Punches And Blood On The Guangzhou Metro

If you’re not ready for a fight, don’t start one. Don’t, for instance, punch the guy sitting next to you on the subway, who happens to be younger, fitter, and more inspired, since he has a girl. The older man in this video, after sucker-punching the younger dude, eats about two dozen fists of rage. All the while, someone behind the camera implores, “Stop fighting, stop fighting.”

And end the entertainment for all the spectators? Nahhhh.

(H/T The Nanfang)

    One Response to “Punches And Blood On The Guangzhou Metro”

    1. Jive madra

      That’s the first time I’ve seen Chinese guys throw a closed-fist punch. Round here, all I see is handbags! Maybe I’m just too sheltered…


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