Laowai Comics is a biweekly webcomic. Beijing Cream is proud to debut its Thursday comic every week. Full archives here.
By Laowai Comics Comments: 7
Laowai Comics is a biweekly webcomic. Beijing Cream is proud to debut its Thursday comic every week. Full archives here.
It’s funny ’cause it’s true.
What’s the joke anyway? Fewer Chinese people use foreign email providers? I guess that is a real knee-slapper. And why’s this creepy English teacher asking his kiddies for their email addresses anyway?
Anthony, you should not be encouraging this type of person!
Anthony, you should delete that shit and ban the fucker. He crossed the line here.
That scene happened at a professional development conference, with coworkers. All adults. If you see some pedophile overtones here, that says a lot more about you than me, you fucking creep.
Such venom. Ouch!
But yeah, it was pretty obvious from the start it was not a kiddie/adult scenario.
Flat-chested girls in flat-bottomed shoes and both wearing the same uniform? Those are kids, man.
Cant be too long before Chinese characters will be allowed in naming website domains and email accounts etc. But sure, until that day all Chinese must use the Micheal, because otherwise the precious waiguo pengyou may not understand.
ur a retarded.