Mid-Week Links: iPhone 5c still too expensive, Sheryl Sandberg in Beijing, and baijiu (at Literary Death Match)

iPhone 5c for China
“Chinese netizens feel ‘cheated’ that the iPhone 5c is still expensive,” via SCMP

Early links edition today. Apologies for the lack of posts — focus is elsewhere today. (See first link.)

Baijiu! Come hear about it at the Literary Death Match tonight at the Bookworm (tickets limited). “Distillers of China’s most popular spirits, baijiu, are sobering up to a business slowdown and tight financing after a decade of outstanding growth. // Sales are off and company market values have fallen over the past year, prompting some investors to cash in their bets on minor and big-name distillers alike.” (Caixin)

Sad for art. “The forced demolition of the Changning district’s Yuan Gong Art Garage highlights the challenges cities face as they try to resolve land disputes and urban conflicts amid a national urbanization push.” (WSJ)

Interesting. “But some slogans are quieter. The Maoist slogans daubed on the factory walls of the 798 Art Space in red characters make a little noise; they have been preserved in the galleries with an ironic chuckle which reaches the ears of guidebooks. Others just whisper; the wall of the former Furen University intones quietly ‘The mighty leader of Chairman Mao is the reddest, reddest of red suns in our heart.’ On the wall on the other side of the door is another lengthy slogan that has been largely blotted out.” (The World of Chinese)

This soap opera again. “China said it would not tolerate provocation after Japan’s top government spokesman said on Tuesday Japan might station government workers on disputed islands in the East China Sea to defend its sovereignty.” (Reuters)

Sheryl Sandberg in Beijing. “Ms. Sandberg, who declined to speak to media during a book promotion event Tuesday night in Beijing, met with Mr. Cai earlier in the day to discuss Facebook’s role helping Chinese enterprises expand abroad, according to the government site. Tantalizingly, the post also says the two discussed other cooperative items, without elaborating.” (WSJ)

A disturbing video of rhino horns made into powder interlude, via Shanghaiist:


“China may get over its addiction to coal sooner than anyone thought.” (Quartz)

“What Makes Censorship in China so Effective?” (Liz Tung, The Atlantic)

Soundcloud blocked, then unblocked. (Tech in Asia)

“China’s wine-drinking elite know surprisingly little about wine.” (Shanghaiist)

Checking in with 17-year-old swimmer Ye Shiwen. (The Li-Ning Tower)

Petitioner Tales, Vol. 2. (The World of Chinese)

“Learning Chinese with StarCraft 2.” (Hacking Chinese)

“Guest Editorial – Do International DJ Bookings Help The Local Scene in Shanghai?” (Heat Wolves)

Finally, finally…

Gigantic fucking shark caught in Rizhao, Shandong province, via Shanghaiist:
Massive shark

    7 Responses to “Mid-Week Links: iPhone 5c still too expensive, Sheryl Sandberg in Beijing, and baijiu (at Literary Death Match)”

    1. Amanda R.

      That is a whale shark, the largest species of shark alive today. It is a vulnerable species, the hunting of which is banned in many places like the Philippines, India, and Taiwan. China is, as usual, slow on the uptake that they should not be hunted.

      • Jess

        The fisherman claimed that the shark was already dead when he netted it. And someone later bought the fish, which is probably not the best choice, because who wants a fish that wasn’t caught live? Unless they’re just going to taxidermy it up or something like that.

    2. James

      Here’s the problem with apple’s strategy. People here are generally not going to buy contract phones, and the contracts are generally not all that great anyways unless a company is paying for em.

      The real problem though, is that the 5c is EXACTLY THE SAME as the 5, but plastic. A 5 can be updated to ios7, and a second hand 5 can be had for under 1500 RMB. So, you can either pay under 1500 for a nicer case, or you can pay over double that for a piece of plastic (that’s the same exact thing). The 5s is still a small screen, no real anything apart from a slight color change and a new cpu. That’s it. Get a xiaomi mi3 for 2000 and it wipes the floor with the 5s. Get a hongmi and for 800 new, it wipes the floor with the 5(c). Better specs, better price, better service, better support. Unlocked and open source. Apple is attempting to compete with its own second hand market and off to a really pathetic start. Only idiots will buy a 5c, and there’s really no difference with the 5s from the 5. It’s no longer exclusive in any way, it’s honestly not all that good, the jobs cult is dead and all it does is say “I spent more than I should have on something not all that good”.

      • asdfg

        Agree entirely. Very happy with my Xiaomi 2. And in fact, the Chinese should be lining up to throw eggs and rocks at the apple stores because of the horrid treatment of laborers and highly overpriced goods. But that doesnt happen. They’re still lining up to get one, and sharing every bit of apple news on weibo and weixin. So yeah, why would apple change its ways?

        • mike

          “and in fact, the Chinese should be lining up to throw eggs and rocks at the apple stores because of the horrid treatment of laborers and highly overpriced goods. ”

          Can you imagine how bad the XiaoMi factories must be? Get real. Where do you think they get those low prices from? Genius.

        • mike

          “And in fact, the Chinese should be lining up to throw eggs and rocks at the apple stores because of the horrid treatment of laborers ”

          Can you imagine how horrific the Factories are where your $300 phone is made? Get real. This is China. Apple’s FoxConn factories have THE BIGGEST spotlight on them. XiaoMi’s factories must involve indentured servitude and 2RMB breakfasts.

    3. mike

      ““Chinese netizens feel ‘cheated’ that the iPhone 5c is still expensive,” via SCMP”
      Get an iPhone 4 in China (only) for 2500RMB.

      iPhone5C is NOT a cheap phone. It’s brand new. Get a 4.

      PS. Apple doesn’t give a shit about marketshare. Apple eats profit share, and lets the Android OEMs clean up the table scraps.


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