Laowai Comics is a biweekly webcomic. Beijing Cream is proud to debut its Thursday comic every week. Full archives here.
By Laowai Comics Comments: 11
Laowai Comics is a biweekly webcomic. Beijing Cream is proud to debut its Thursday comic every week. Full archives here.
It must be something like this, or they just think traffic rules are beneath gods like them.
LaoWaiComics Guy nailed this one. Love the attention to detail on the entitled, c**t wife texting the security guard she shags at her estate while hubby is off banging KTV girlies! Naturally the waste of sperm little precious beside her is just a perfect bonus.
I think it has as much or more to do with most Chinese people having the worst spatial awareness of anyone in the world that I’ve met. It’s not just cars… bikes, scooters, motorcycles, pedestrians. Nobody really pays close attention to what’s going on around them. I ended up on an operating table a couple of years ago because of this. It doesn’t hurt that many completely lack sound, logical reasoning like the woman I saw letting her 3 y.o. granddaughter ride her little trike against the flow of traffic on a busy street.
As long as she was wrapped in six layers and drinking her hot water every ten min, she should be ok. Oh, and playing with fireworks to.
Oh oh! Im on the floor rolling around, so funny!
so true! haha loved the details.
This is the best one yet, which is to say that with a little work it could be mildly amusing.
Look at all these friends Laowai Comics Guy recruited to come here and kiss his ass. Stop lying.
If this makes you “on the floor rolling around” you have some serious intelligence issues.
Just as shit as the hundreds before it, still waiting for this talentless loser to kill himself or get rejected for his next visa.
You mad bro?
I also like to fall back on ancient memes when faced with an uncomfortable truth.
Yep he mad cos his boss wont pay him his 50c for posting here and also he cant afford his own SUV yet.