Night Owl Entertainment, The People Behind The Tianjin Castle Party, Releases Statement

Night Owl Entertainment statement

The people behind what we called the worst China party of the year posted a statement to Facebook around midnight today about the debacle that was November 1’s Electric Castle Party at the Dynasty Chateau in Tianjin. Here it is in full:

To our guests,

This is both an apology and a thank you… To everyone who bought a ticket, we want to thank you for believing in us and for supporting us to be a part of the celebration. Although many of you have told us you had a great time, we are also aware of the many guests who were let down. Our goal was to make this a night you would never forget. We achieved this, but of course not in the way we wanted—at all. The fact of the matter is, we dropped the ball, and we failed miserably to deliver what we promised.

What happened was embarrassing and deeply disappointing. Many of you have told us (at the event and online) about our lack of organisation, inexperience, irresponsibility, etc. Many of you were disappointed and angry, but yet remained patient and rational. Thank you again: thank you for staying calm in the middle of the chaos. Although we don’t want to believe it, we know you’re right. If we were in your shoes, we would feel the exact same way. It was one of the biggest lessons we have learned. Our regretful actions put you all at risk, and quite frankly… we’re lucky that worse things didn’t happen that night.

However, we want to set the record straight that it was NEVER our intention to scam anybody. As organizers, we were working together to make this the most amazing Halloween party in the world, one that would set a new record and make Tianjin the place to party, a celebration that would bring new opportunities for all of us, but our dream suddenly became a nightmare. The truth is, our team is not exactly “together” right now. Members with good intentions and high ambitions are now ashamed to have been a part of this. We sold tickets to our friends, family, and co-workers. Our reputation not only as a brand, but as individuals have been tarnished.

We appreciate the many suggestions given to us to make things right, and although we don’t have much to say anymore, we are indeed listening. Although we can see how the answers would seem to be quite obvious, there are certain situations limiting us at the moment. We really are sorry, and we truly want to make things right. We don’t know exactly what we will be able to do, but we are trying our best.

Night Owl “Disappointment”…

(H/T Kenn Bermel)

    2 Responses to “Night Owl Entertainment, The People Behind The Tianjin Castle Party, Releases Statement”

    1. terroir

      “We don’t know exactly what we will be able to do, but we are trying our best.”

      Here’s a tip, genius:

      1) don’t thank people in your apology
      2) admit responsibility
      3) give refunds

      That won’t happen whatsoever, but it’s just worth saying out loud that which is so apparent and yet is out of range of your “best”.

      All in all, sounds like normal China FUBAR.


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