Which operating system do you think they use?
Hope they found it eventually!
Sanlitun, yesterday. Pictures by Katie.

By Anthony Tao Comments: 6
Which operating system do you think they use?
Hope they found it eventually!
Sanlitun, yesterday. Pictures by Katie.
Irrelevant question.
What you are looking at is a UEFI error, not an operating system error. Virtually every motherboard made today uses UEFI instead of the outdated BIOS, so it could be any operating system.
This error is encountered when there is either a physical hardware error (such as an electrical or mechanical disk failure) or due to corrupt data in the boot sector, usually caused by a failing disk, a failed write or – less probably – a virus.
So, what did you pick in the poll?
I didn’t fill it out.
When the question itself is wrong, the only correct answer is no answer.
How is this worthy of a news item?
Software was counterfeit anyway…
It’s not a mac – if you boot up with no OS, it’s a disc icon with a flashing question mark. no text.