An Important Instagram Of Dennis Rodman And Simon Cockerell

Dennis Rodman and Simon Cockerell

Look who’s back in North Korea. Dennis Rodman’s making his third trip to Pyongyang to “train the national team,” reports AP.

That Kim Jong-un just executed his uncle, Jang Song Thaek, doesn’t seem to concern Rodman.

“I can’t control what they do with their government, I can’t control what they say or how they do things here,” he said. “I’m just trying to come here as a sports figure and try to hope I can open the door for a lot of people in the country.”

A basketball game is happening. No, we don’t really care.

However. However. Look at that picture above, via Koryo Tours. The backlit man on the left is the living Beijing legend Simon Cockerell as you’ve never seen him, aglow, plucked straight out of a Men’s Book catalogue and the dreams of Christina Courtenay readers everywhere. Looking good, friend!

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