Mid-Week Links: Street protest movement, Donnie Does (Fake Christmas), and Christmas parties for you Beijingers

Chinese Christmas girls
Via Angry Asian Man

You’re not reading links. Go party, people.

Street movement. “Wang [Aizhong] took to the streets after his blog kept getting deleted from the Internet, joining an ad-hoc alliance of demonstrators who call themselves the Southern Street Movement. The dozen or so loosely allied protesters is taking causes that draw attention on the Internet — such as demanding democracy and free speech — to public spaces, something that can be deemed illegal under Communist Party rule. Doing so, they argue, is a more effective way to bring about change.” (Bloomberg)

Christmas meeting cancelled. “Lawyers and Christian churchgoers said they were blocked from meeting in a central Chinese county Monday to commemorate Christmas and draw attention to the detention of a pastor and his aides. // The canceled meeting at the church in Henan province’s Nanle county came during a monthlong crackdown on the church over a land dispute that pits its popular preacher against the county government.” (AP)

Tunnel! “Border authorities in Hong Kong and Shenzhen have discovered a 40-metre long underground tunnel linking the two cities. The tunnel was dug with the utmost sophistication and would have cost an estimated 3 million RMB. The owner of the building in Shenzhen from which the tunnel began is in police custody, iFeng News reports.” (The Nanfang)

One-child policy. “Changes to China’s strict one-child policy, which will allow more parents to have a second child, will begin to roll out early next year, state media said.” (Reuters)

Donnie Does: A Very Fake Christmas interlude:

4-year-olds singing Jingle Bells interlude, via China Hope Live:


“Westology: The 12 Days of Christmas.” (China Daily Show)

Chinese Christmas choristers. (Jim Fields, Instagram)

“Q. and A.: Detective Novelist Qiu Xiaolong on Chinese Corruption.” (Sinosphere)

“The Grinch Who Stole China’s Christmas.” (Bloomberg)

Blogger in Pyongyang. (NK News)

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