The 2014 Chinese Holiday Work Schedule

Chinese holiday work schedule 2014

This might look ridiculous, but it’s actually the most sensible work schedule the Chinese government has released in recent memory. I mean, compared to this past year

Plan ahead for those holidays, folks. You’ll be working on days you probably think you shouldn’t be.

The above is via Wall Street Journal. The below is from chinaSMACK, which also translated some netizen comments. One example:

Chinese New Year’s Eve, 6pm, got off work. I drove my car trying to get home. My car was stuck in the parking lot for half an hour, stuck in traffic on the streets for two hours, stuck in traffic on the ring road for 3 hours… Upon opening the door [at home], my daughter lay alone on the sofa hungry and asleep, and from the television I heard “We’ll see you next year! Unforgettable~ Tonight~ Unforgettable! Tonight~~~~” Watching the harmonious and jubilant singing and dancing on TV, I shed a tear of happiness and joy -0

Chinese holiday work schedule 2014b

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