Maybe The Funniest Thing You’ll Ever See In Competitive Ping-Pong

It’s unlikely you have time for 16 minutes of ping-pong, so start at the 7:30 mark, when the shenanigans begin. As Deadspin explains:

Jean-Michel Saive, a decorated Belgian player with 130 total medals in international singles tournaments, took on Chuang Chih-yuan in a match earlier this month at the Tai Ben Invitational that gradually became more baffling and funny at the same time. It seemed to start out as a normal match, but once Chih-yuan took a lead, the two decided to have some fun.

The announcers can’t stop giggling. Balls begin flying over a scorekeeper’s head. And we are reminded, yet again, that table tennis players are really good at table tennis, like, better than you and I to the same degree that Vincent Van Gogh paints better than elephants. Look at the balls that Saive consistently returns, even while monkeying around.

Anyway, at the very least, this was funnier than any/every moment in the ping-pong movie Balls of Fury.

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