Laowai Comics is a periodic webcomic. Beijing Cream is proud to debut its Thursday comic every week. Full archives here.
By Laowai Comics Comments: 12
Laowai Comics is a periodic webcomic. Beijing Cream is proud to debut its Thursday comic every week. Full archives here.
No sure if poorly drawn smoke or just pubs…
“Beijing Cream is proud to debut its Thursday comic every week” Seriously?
Can you not find ANYone in the megalopolis full of expat wanna-be cultural contributors (poets, artists, comedians, social commentators, etc) to add anything better after this guy’s summer vacation, which hopefully will be soon?
Or does this guy work for the right price (FREE)?
Anthony gives me 888 yuan a week, but besides that, most of my payment comes from my numerous attractive female fans who come over to orally satiate me, two or three at a time. They also bring me food, beer, and clean up my mansion.
Especially enjoyable is watching you jump out of the woodwork to justify yourself and your crap. Probably the only “contributor” to sit in the wings waiting for a chance to pounce whenever someone tells you you’re a lame hack.
I’m gonna guess your female “fans” pretty much look like how you draw them.
Oh God! That’s so funny! Haha, chilli on LCs cock! I get it now. Chilli sauce spurted out of my nose! I cried so hard!
Oh wait, no I didn’t.
Does anyone else find it grossly offensive to suggest Chinese girls will suck a white guy’s cock so long as he pays for their hot pot?
A careful reading will show that they are deeply in love from the first frame.
Funny, we always get the trolls, but I’ve never seen the “I’m offended” brigade here. I prefer real vitriole to fucking pathetic “sensitivity” in these comments. Lurking in the wings, waiting to take offense at the most minor of perceived slights then BANG, out comes the bleeding heart.
Feck it, have I just become like these troll morons by being insulting on the internet? I must be ill…
Sorry, I forgot my place. Let me rephrase. FUCK LC AND EVERYONE GO DIE. Is that better?
Ha this one is pretty funny. But not as funny as the lame comments. Looser haters ftw!
Yeah, enjoyed the comments as well. Great comic btw!
Sucks large.