Where The Fuck Should I Go For Drinks… In Beijing?

Where The Fuck Should I Go For Drinks

The best search engine for finding random bars is Where the Fuck Should I Go for Drinks, which China watcher and delightful alcoholic* Ray Kwong helpfully notes “even works in China.” But how well does it work? We gave it a try, and results included:

Where The Fuck Should I Go For Drinks 3 Where The Fuck Should I Go For Drinks 2 Where The Fuck Should I Go For Drinks 1

Outback Steakhouse, Flying Internet Bar, and Bar 梦境酒吧 aren’t exactly our first, second, and third choices to get on our tipple. Other results include Binghuogu Pub and Laiwei Bar, which apparently have Google Plus pages.

But don’t despair! Further searches — by which we mean clicking the “No, that place looks like shit” button…

Where The Fuck Should I Go For Drinks 4

– yielded results such as The Local, Alfa, The Tree, and Bar Blu. Also, Tun Bar and Vics showed up… eh, at least there’s name recognition.

But you know what? Since we’re expats, we’ll probably just end up at Great Leap. Sigh.

Note: the website is powered by Google, so it works best with a VPN on. Also try: Where the Fuck Should I Go To Eat?

*Fact unchecked.

    6 Responses to “Where The Fuck Should I Go For Drinks… In Beijing?”

    1. Jonathan Alpart

      The best place to drink in Beijing is a local restaurant or chuanr stand. You can get shitcanned for dirt cheap and have a meal while you’re at it. Then you go to a bar.

    2. CM

      Great Leap is one the most overrated, over-patronized beer bar in Beijing. The beer tastes gross, all variations of the same shit from the same shit Chinese ingredients. Go down the street to get Jing-A beer at The Big Smoke. Truly great beer.

      • CJ

        I enjoy Jing A as much as the next guy, but their thimble-sized glasses and 45 kuai prices are not doing it for me. I would rather suffer from being not as cool as CM by drinking as Great Leap and be able to drink 3-4 more beers.


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