Laowai Comics: At The Zoo

Laowai Comics

Laowai Comics is a periodic webcomic. Beijing Cream is proud to debut its Thursday comic every week. Previous Laowai Comics here.

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    37 Responses to “Laowai Comics: At The Zoo”

      • Jay

        If you’ve never had a child see you, and then start crying and run for their mommy, because you are the first foreigner they’ve seen… then you can’t relate.

        It’s a bit disconcerting to have a cute little kid spot you and run away crying.

    1. Agnes Hs'ien

      I don’t know what you are trying to prove here. You CHOSE to move to another country and WILLINGLY became a minority. This is not unusual at all, you are just upset that when you go somewhere else, the minorities are shocked by your appearance. Well, I have news for you. MOST OF THE WORLD’S POPULATION ARE MINORITIES! I know it is hard for you to swallow, but maybe instead of making racist cartoons, you can go back home and take ethnicity studies. You can have a rare opportunity to discuss with people how much more aware you are of white privaledge since you’ve lived abroad.

      • Chinese Netizen

        How can Chinese be a minority? Especially in china??
        Go back to your reading the Vagina Monologues and shut your cooter.

    2. Chairman Minge

      Just boring. Like pointing out that the sun rises in the morning. This is an expat website. Save all this crap until you get home. Regale all your small town, hick pals with your hilarious China tales of people staring and shitting, and spare us. Somewhere in the Midwest of the U.S there is a Chinese expat mag that has ‘comics’ depicting Americans as fat, arrogant, know-it-all, loud mouthed twats. And the Chinese living there are looking at them saying “we know, you tedious, attention seeking prick! Just fuck off home and stop trying to draw stuff that we noticed three years ago and got bored talking about two years ago….seriously, just please fuck off”.

      • Jonathan Alpart

        Hey, all you folks that love to hate on Laowai Comics. Where’s your comic? Seriously, I’d love to see how much of a better job you can do. Take your time. No hurry. Really focus on your art here and produce something spectacular. LC is such shit, even a five-year-old could do better, right? So get to it. If not, shut the fuck up!!!

        Some people, like myself, really enjoy Laowai Comics. Sure, there are a few stinkers, but even Calvin and Hobbes and Garfield has duds. Just about anyone who creates anything will do that from time to time. Some people don’t like LC. Fine, that’s your opinion.

        But the treatment they get on this blog? It’s quite funny, because the shit expats that LC frequently makes fun of is YOU GUYS!!! That’s the best irony about all this. The fucking bitter loser expats that enjoy their laowai privilege yet still manage to shit all over everything while having nothing of their own to offer? That’s fucking you! Get a life! I’d say you’re embarrassing yourself but you’re too cowardly to even post without some idiotic pseudonym!

        • Lao White

          You probably also think it’s within China’s “rights” to claim every little dot of an island in SE Asia in the name of ancient sovereignty and also have an ugly ass Chinese wife/gf right?
          Pathetic brown noser.

          • Jonathan Alpart

            LOL, the fuck does that got to do with anything? Is that your token response when anyone makes you uncomfortable with yourself? Keep hanging yourself, stereotypical-douchebag-expat-guy!

            • Lao White

              What it has to do with is your pathetic need to feel like taking up a cause and defending the “weak and poor” like most bleeding heart wankers that feel like they need to “make a difference” by forcing your worldview on people that just with you’d go fuck yourself.
              Stereotypical douchebag expat guy? Methinks the mirror has your name on it.

            • Jonathan Alpart

              Wow, I didn’t realize that sticking up for a guy who makes free comics for the enjoyment of everyone makes me a Jesus or Gandhi-like figure. Thanks for the ego boost, faggot!

        • Alastair Abercrombie

          I’m starting to realise that comics are different in America. Always puzzled me that superhero magazines in America were called comic books. In England, authors of comics generally try to make them funny. In the US it seems that anything with a drawing and speech bubbles can be called a comic. I’m getting on in years now but I never cease to spot differences in Anglo-US culture, and doubt I will as long as I live. Funny, given we’re not really that different. Just an ocean away. For example, a faggot in England is a delicious meatball in gravy, not an offensive term used exclusively by cunts.

        • Pizza Steve

          If Laowai Comic Guy doesn’t have the courage to attach his real name to the shit that he forces (yes, forces) on us every week, why should his critics not have anonymity? Personally, I reckon Jonathan Poptart is LCG. They’re both hateful, spiteful little arrogant show-offs. Look at me, look at me, I’m soooo fucking interesting. My observations are hilarious and noteworthy. My Mom and Uncle Billy Joe Jim-Bob just love ‘em. Almost as much as they love each other. Oh yeah. Screw you maaan!

          • Jonathan Alpart

            Yes, I’m so sick of LCG forcing his comics on everyone. It’s literally no different from rape.

            Hi, mom! Yep, just here owning internet trolls between being amazing and secretly drawing comics.

            Mmm, some poptarts would be good right now.

            Good point though on LCG also being anon. I’m curious who he is, too. Reveal thyself!

            • Pizza Steve

              You’re similarly pompous and unfunny. Share the same prejudices, arrogance, lack of self awareness and overblown egos. Suspect you’re one and the same. Bore off now, the one or two of you.

            • Jonathan Alpart

              If you still don’t believe me, I’ll point out the big hole in your theory.

              Let’s review the facts:

              1) I like Laowai Comics.

              2) I’m pompous, lacking in self awareness, and have an overblown ego.

              3) I’m clearly proud of the fact that I use my real name when posting.

              So why would I anonymously do Laowai Comics? If it really were me, I’d be fucking telling everybody!

            • Pizza Steve

              Jonathan, you post the comics anonymously so the ‘out’ you can like them. Giving yourself a fan base. Even you are not arrogant enough to put up comics by yourself and then write supporting comments. Yes you are. No I’m not. Jonathan.

    3. Rick Dee's Weekly Top 40

      Not your best comic but still good, still look forward to your weekly comics, I hate the summer when I can’t see this weekly. Any chance you can do one on the Umbrella Revolution?

    4. Lao White

      Nice retort, Jon Failpart, when all else fails you can resort to name calling and collecting your toys and going home.

    5. Weird Beard

      Cute comic. This happens to me all the time. I have a long beard, which is even rarer than pale skin and blonde hair around here. So lots of odd looks and a few scared children. (And the occasional thumbs up!) I’ve no problem with the odd looks. It’s a part of living in a diverse world.

      • Claus Rasmussen

        Try smoking pipe in public places… people took out time to find their cameras and film me lol

        I don’t care for the stares as long as it just curiosity. However, scaring small girls like in the comic would be a little uncomfortable


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