Beijing Blend: China’s Rich-Ass Monk

How much is too much for a Shaolin monk? Take a peek behind China’s “CEO monk,” who’s been caught up in a bit of a scandal recently. Also: viagra-filled alcohol.

Beijing Blend is an e-magazine/news digest that blends China culture and conversation. Follow them on Twitter, and come back next Tuesday for a new episode in this ongoing video series.

Filmed at Beijing’s Bookworm, hosted this week by Jennifer Hsiung and Michael Kaufman.

EVENT NOTICE: Do you enjoy art, music, and parties for a good cause? Oh, and all-you-can-drink sangria*? Beijing Blend is celebrating its 1st birthday with all the above this Friday at The Bookworm. Proceeds will go to proceeds will go toward the social enterprise Education in Sight, which helps children affected by poor vision in rural areas.

*Until 10 pm

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