Searching For Porn In China? The GFW Is Currently Blocking 2,873 Sites, But Not…

Pornhub (No. 83 on Alexa) and Livejasmin (No. 72). Even those with VPNs may be happy about this: no more opening and pausing six videos to wait for them to buffer while you distract yourself with other things on the Internet, only to accidentally blow your load to a Snorg Tees model.

Are you surprised Pornhub and Livejasmin are accessible in China? Then you’ll be even more surprised to know that dating back to last year, both sites have been blocked for a combined one day. March 26, 2011, Pornhub fell on the wrong side of the Great Firewall. I can only imagine — quite seriously — some Party cadre placing a call to the Net Nanny office and saying, “Uh, dude. You’re new here, aren’t you?”

For the same reason that China’s censors aren’t overly aggressive about blocking virtual private network services, I can imagine why they’re not taking down the Nos. 72 and 83 most popular sites in the world despite the overtly “yellow content”: a desperate man is one deprived of everything; leave him his porn.

Postscript: If the Great Firewall does block these sites, please don’t blame me. I’ll apologize anyway to you PornHub and Livejasmin users out there in China, though if you’re the type who isn’t capable of finding porn, I give you my pity as well.

[Source: (Pornhub, Livejasmin profiles), written about in our last post.] 

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