The Sexual Defilement Of That Evangelical Christian Minister-Wannabe; Of Course We Mean Jeremy Lin

Via Deadspin, the adult illustrators over at Art of Jaguar have drawn Jeremy Lin getting suckled by four incredibly lusty women. Everything about it is pretty good except the caption — “linside me” is so last month.

I know it’s a workday, fellas, so click continue reading with discretion. 

I wonder what the good people at Christian Post think about this.

    3 Responses to “The Sexual Defilement Of That Evangelical Christian Minister-Wannabe; Of Course We Mean Jeremy Lin”

    1. Scott

      God damn it, Tao! I teach English to children for Christ’s sake! Haha. Its my fault, actually, I shouldn’t have clicked on the story with a picture of a chick with big tits sticking her tongue in some guys ear. My bad.


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