Chillax With Yolanda Moon And The Beijing-Based Music Video “Path”

Two years ago, musician Cholo Hermosa, one of the founders of a new Manila-based band called Yolanda Moon, visited Beijing with a company and family, and he shot lots of videos to, as he puts it, “have a first-person aspect of my trip to remember how I felt when I visited.” It was only recently, however, that he was able to pull all the footage together and use it for the YM song “Path.” As he wrote in an email to me (with grammatical edits):

The song Path talks about how we tend to think of the past or the future way too much and how we lose focus of what’s already in front of us. So, since the focus of the song is quite reflective, I tried playing with my footages from 2010, since my trip kind of reflected that feeling as well. I had a great time in Beijing! I loved shooting there. I was always interested in knowing the history and culture because I just had info from school or books. Actually being there and seeing the Forbidden City, Bird’s Nest and the Great Wall was something else. It was something more than I imagined before. Let’s just say I crossed out a few things from the bucket list when I was there.

If you enjoy YM’s music, check out their other songs at Soundcloud. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

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