Funambulist Crosses Hubei Canyon Without Safety Harness

By now, multiple angles of American David Potter traversing the Enshi Grand Canyon in Hubei province are online, but no matter how you look at it — even knowing he successfully crossed the 40-meter canyon that’s 1,800 meters above sea level without falling to his death (because he was wearing no safety harness or parachute) — it’s still harrowing. A slackline, for those who aren’t familiar, is different from a tightrope in that there’s more stretching, like “a long and narrow trampoline,” says Wikipedia. Harrowing. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

The stunt has won him quite a few admirers in Hubei, as this local TV station show’s hosts point out (in Chinese).

(H/T Alicia)

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