Just Dance, Gonna Be Okay

Via Side Spitting – a post that’s brilliantly titled “Shimmy and a Shake, You’re Alright” — China Daily reports that on Tuesday in Dalian, heavy fog caused flight delays that stranded about 5,000 passengers. That’s not the news though. As you know, flight delays happen all the time, and in China, sometimes they go for 15 hours and result in the storming of tarmacs. No, the news here is that Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport hired college students “dressed as cheerleaders” to provide entertainment. “The airport initiated the performance believing it would help to calm passengers waiting for delayed flights,” China Daily writes. No news on whether the performance achieved that affect or — more likely — merely kept the male psyche locked in its 50,000-year-old cycle of letdown-objectification-desire. Letdown.

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