China’s Biggest Ultimate Frisbee Tournament Is In Beijing This Weekend

This weekend marks the sixth annual China Nationals tournament, organized by Alicia (disclosure: I’m her assistant), and the fifth year it’s been in Beijing. While Ultimate Frisbee may be of negative interest to most of you, realize that Sports Illustrated China, Blue Ocean Network, film companies from Beijing and Tianjin, CCTV-5, and Beijing Today will all be there, interested. In other words, this tournament is getting more media coverage than every Ultimate tournament from 1968 to circa 2009 in the U.S. combined. (This isn’t exactly true, but it might as well be.) Competition runs from 8 am to 6:10 pm on Saturday (54 games), and from 8 am to 5 pm on Sunday. The schedule is downloadable in PDF form here.

Also, the above dude, Zahlen Titcomb of the company Five Ultimate, is one of the five coolest people in Beijing. So yeah, there’s that, too. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

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