This Is How They Rescue People From A Six-Vehicle Pileup

A semi-trailer traveling from Guizhou collided with a van heading the opposite direction on a dangerous stretch of State Highway 210 in Nandan County, Guangxi on Saturday, resulting in a six-car accident that killed six and injured six others, according to Guangxi Daily. The video here is of the aftermath. Particularly striking is the excavation of the girl trapped in the passenger seat of a car smushed by the tipped-over trailer; the driver next to her is never seen because that side of the vehicle is completely crushed, and she would have been as well if not for the grace of something — the grace of an orange truck next to her car, perhaps, which took the brunt of the trailer’s weight. Original Youku video for those in China after the jump.

    One Response to “This Is How They Rescue People From A Six-Vehicle Pileup”

    1. bert

      The sad thing is that there are about 1 million other idiots to replace the idiot that caused this crash. People think that they are supermen when driving. In the world of Chinese driving it is even worse.


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