Why Did These Ducks — All 5,000 Of Them — Cross The Road? [UPDATE]

By Alicia

To prove they aren’t chickens!

On June 17 in Taizhou City of Zhejiang Province, Mr. Hong and his three aides were photographed walking their 5,000 ducks to a nearby pond, which is a kilometer from their house. As Mr. Hong told Beijing News, he’s been walking ducks for the past six months and has yet to lose one. Good thing he’s not taking them to the washroom – they might be accused of peepking(Get it?!?!)

In the comments section, tell us your funniest duck jokes. Or lamest. More pictures after the jump via China Foto Press. UPDATE, 10:10 pm: More pictures!

Ed’s note: the following were posted on Daily Mail’s website, which didn’t publish the sources for the images, for whatever reason.

Photo by Imaginechina / Rex Features


Photo by Imaginechina / Rex Features

    6 Responses to “Why Did These Ducks — All 5,000 Of Them — Cross The Road? [UPDATE]”

    1. David Fieldman

      Dear Alicia…please introduce me to their team leader. I need someone with those skills who will never “duck” the job.

    2. Sam Reeves

      I laughed my ass off when I saw these pictures. I’m sure they are on the way to Beijing to participate in the daily ‘Beijing Roast Duck’ festival.

      You didn’t even have to include the word {Re-Duck-ed] for me to enjoy this post.


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