In Which We Revisit Possibly The Most Shocking And Abominable Fight Between Seven-Year-Olds Ever

The video you’ve come to see appears after the jump, and it’s brutal enough as a main event that I feel like it needs an undercard. So, the above.

Hair-grabbing should be banned to avoid boring impasses. What the heck, eighth-graders? It’s like you’re not even trying.

You’re certainly not trying like these kids. Holy shit, they’re trying too hard (watch with sound on low or off, as the human psyche, I think, can only tolerate a boy’s wailing for only so long, not to mention a piece of shit adult’s behavior):

That’s a video from a year ago depicting a seven-year-old brother and sister going at it. A few of the things the man behind the camera shouts:

“Don’t dig, kick!”

“Kick! Punch!”

“Hit him back!”

(When the boy is on the ground wailing.) “Hit him now!”

(Still wailing.) “Hit him!”

“Fight! FIGHT!”

(Still wailing.) “Get up! Hit your sister.”

“Get up, get up, get up.”

“Both injured eh? When Dad was young he fought like this.” Laughs.

“It’s no problem. Hit him.”

“If it’s bleeding it’s bleeding, no problem.”

Yeah, it’s unbelievable. Grown-ups who encourage young kids to fight while filming it should have their adult status revoked. Another example here (YouTube / Youku).

8th-graders (appeared on Youku two days ago):

    One Response to “In Which We Revisit Possibly The Most Shocking And Abominable Fight Between Seven-Year-Olds Ever”

    1. bert

      Huge personal/mental/social/relationship problems in the future for these poor kids. The guy that filmed it changed his blood lust attitude after that woman came out, like it was just a little thing. Terrible person!


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