Remember Those Porking Pigs? Here’s A Video

Some people really want this sculpture to be just a son massaging his mother, whose quivering eyes are merely grateful and on her ruddy face the arpeggio of delight turned ecstatic is divested of all venereal context.

Not really sure why her left nipple is exposed though.

Other questions: Why does the pig even have anthropomorphic breasts? Must they be so voluptuous and perfectly positioned, pressed against the pillow, plump to bursting?

Now that I examine this sculpture again, closely, I admit to feeling disappointment that the mother’s fingers aren’t curled underneath the edge of the mattress, barely able to keep a grip on a reality torn asunder by the pleasure of her son giving such a bracing and purgative back massage.

Translations are mine, along with any errors. Youku video (sans English subtitles) for those in China after the jump.

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