Civil Servant Called Out For Beating China Mobile Saleswoman

In another era, Wang Xiaolei would be just another overweight public official in Zhengzhou, Henan province. But in the era of ubiquitous surveillance cameras, he’s a publicly outed asshole, thanks to one of his recent actions being caught on tape: he’s seen hurling a trash can at the female manager of a China Mobile Store, then further assaulting her and throwing her on the ground. We clearly see him going back and trying to pick up the trash can, presumably to beat her some more, but he’s thankfully restrained by his wife, who happens to also work at the store. The dispute allegedly began when the manager, Wang Ke, refused to grant Wang Xiaolei’s wife time off.

The incident made it to Sina Weibo (of course), where Wang was identified as a municipal government employee and is suspected of being the son of another official. We’ve seen cases of this before — remember the “My father runs the Public Security Bureau” guy, and this official who beats up a woman? While Wang’s status has yet to be confirmed (if he’s a hotshot, why would his wife be a receptionist at China Mobile?), netizens are none too happy nonetheless. “Can you still call this person a person? No matter how wrong the receptionist is, you shouldn’t raise a hand, especially against a woman who doesn’t strike back,” says @寂寞泡泡鱼.

“This type of person absolutely deserves severe punishment,” says @禾子-xg, followed by four angry emoticons. Implication, however unspoken: punishment rarely comes to those who deserve it most. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

(H/T Alicia)

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