Coeds Shave Heads To Protest Unfair College Entrance Requirements

As fall semesters begin to kick into gear, here’s a reminder that not all new students are happy where they are. Last Thursday in Guangzhou, four female students publicly got their heads shaved to protest sexist college admission practices, part of continuing controversy over lower test-score requirements for boys vs. girls. (China Daily reported in July that there were allegations against colleges requiring lower entrance-exam scores for male students.) According to the Xinhua news report embedded here, these four students failed to get into their first choice of college despite having the same score as male peers who were admitted. Experts believe that some colleges and universities may have violated relevant laws, such as one on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women, or the PRC Education Act. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

(H/T Alicia)

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