Friday Night Musical Outro: Top Floor Circus – Faster And Faster (FM3 Remix)

The big show of the weekend is The Creators Project, tomorrow and Sunday at Ullens Center for Contemporary Art at 798 Art Zone, headlined by former LCD Soundsystem frontman James Murphy as DJ. Other bands that will perform include Real Estate, The Chromatics, Duck Fight Goose (which we’ll feature in tomorrow’s Outro) from Shanghai, and Beijing-based experimental group CNdy.

Tonight’s Outro band is Shanghai’s famous Top Floor Circus, whose song “Faster and Faster” was arranged by Beijing’s FM3, described on The Creators Project website as “electronic legends” (they invented a musical loop player called the Buddha Machine, which I’ve been told is an amazing App). Oh, right: FM3 will be at UCCA tomorrow as well. Did I mention the show is free? (Advance booking required.) Tudou video for those in China after the jump.

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