Let Us Praise These Men Who Help Out A Fallen Fellow Scooterist

Recently in Nanchang, Jiangxi province, a traffic accident has led some people to praise two men for being Good Samaritans, but… pardon me for not completely seeing it. In the video, it looks like the female scooterist knocks herself out when she rams her head into the side of an encroaching vehicle. The man next to her then scoops her off the ground (what happened to stabilizing the neck?), and we’re told that he — along with someone else who stops to help — hails a taxi to send her to the hospital. Whatever happened to ambulances? Oh well. Thought that counts! Youku video for those in China after the jump.

    3 Responses to “Let Us Praise These Men Who Help Out A Fallen Fellow Scooterist”

    1. J

      Nanchang is often hailed as the capital of the worst driving in China by both Chinese and westerners alike. Given that ambulances there won’t even put the injured/dying into the ambulance and they are extremely slow, a taxi driver who is more likely to break traffic regulations and drive faster is (insanely)the most efficient choice in this scenario.

    2. Boooooooooya

      I think ambulances cost a lot of money… 2000 yuan for one ride from what I’ve heard.

      Wow, that sentence was depressing to type. I really should check on this.


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