Old Men Beat Anti-Mao Rightist On The Anniversary Of The Chairman’s Death

Sunday marked the 36th anniversary of Mao Zedong’s death, and if there’s one thing we know the old Chairman would never, ever approve of, it’s the senseless beating of people who voice opinions contrary to his own.

At Zijingshan People’s Square in Zhengzhou, Henan province, the man you see getting slapped around apparently took an anti-Mao stance, which is not something you normally want to do around elders who continue to wear badges of Communist dogma in their hearts — holdovers from the Cultural Revolution — but definitely not something to do amid a celebration of Mao’s life. Groupthink is alive and well. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

    9 Responses to “Old Men Beat Anti-Mao Rightist On The Anniversary Of The Chairman’s Death”

    1. Xilin

      At 0:07 the bald guy shouts in a peremptory manner ‘打’ (da = hit). Then the others do exactly that. This isn’t so much groupthink as people just doing what they’re told.

      The worst of them is the young guy in the white shirt. He has no qualms about hiting a guy twice his age, then, at 0:12, he suddenly notices there is a camera filming and shirks off. I wonder if he will get human flesh searched.

    2. Agus

      “…and if there’s one thing we know the old Chairman would never, ever approve of, it’s the senseless beating of people who voice opinions contrary to his own.”

      Ahahahaha… Awesome :)


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