Robots Do A Little Dance, Make A Little Love

China loves its robots, and we don’t mean Hu Jintao. As ITN reports, this country “currently tops the world in robotics competitions in terms of how many people take part.” Take, for instance, the first Beijing College Student Robotics Competition over the weekend at Beijing Information Science and Technology University. About 300 people from 99 teams from Beijing and Taiwan took part, showing off robots that could dance like Michael Jackson and play five-a-side soccer. There was even one that performed moves (poorly, I’d say) to PSY’s Gangnam Style.

The ITN story is above and after the jump on Youku for those in China. Here’s the YouTube version of the robot dancing to PSY. Again, not really good, but people seem determined to inundate the Internet with Gangnam videos, so I’ll do my part.

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