Upon A Massive Fireball Caused By Pipe Explosion, A Man And Young Child Converse

Youku video for those in China plus pictures after the jump.

A neighborhood sinkhole in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province on Saturday afternoon caused a gas pipe to explode, sending up a huge column of fire that scorched several cars and forced hundreds to evacuate. After firefighters controlled the conflagration, the resulting pit in the road was 10 meters in diameter. Luckily, no one was hurt.

In the video above, a man and small child (let’s just assume father and son) stand at a distance and watch, all the way until there’s another explosion — at which point they scurry. It’s cute.

“The fire is so big!” says the child.

“Mmm. The fire is so big, isn’t it? Look, what a big fire, right?”

“So hot that I can’t breathe!”

“So hot that you can’t breathe, eh?”


Father, in English: “C’mon c’mon c’mon.” “Hurry, hurry.”

Child asks something.

Father: “It must have exploded.”

“Ex-ploooded! …Let’s get away!”

“Get away, get away…”

Via Sina Weibo

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