Does This Look Like A Fallopian Tube To You? A Case In Gender Studies

Here is Xinhua’s latest slideshow, “Gourd craft-based products attract collectors in N China.”

We tried, briefly and unsuccessfully, to see penises where there were none, for gourds, however phallic, fall short of the “unintentional dong” standard.

But there is something better. There is something better indeed.

Fallopian tubes.

Yes, the good ol’ f-tubes. The rollicking double fallope. The tip-top durable oviducts. The trusty utero-tubal superhighway.

Determined to confirm what is clearly an overt attempt by one of China’s major organs (of state media, I mean) to incept us with images of the female anatomy (for what purpose? Creation as a sublimated desire of procreation, art standing in for sex? Unclear for the moment), I posed the question “Does this look a fallopian tube to you?” to several people on gchat.

The responses I got were very, very interesting, and — I’m not going to lie — probably say more about one’s gender than anything else. I’ll divide the answers into two groups: Men and Women.

First, the ladies, who decided that the picture in fact didn’t really look like fallopian tubes, due to its knots and upside-downness:

The guys had no such equivocations. If you, in looking at the Chinese man’s beautiful gourds, saw fallopian tubes, that makes you a MAN, man:

Only one person abstained:

(H/T Alicia)

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