A Chinese PSA On Why Seat Belts Are Important (So You Don’t Get Tossed Out Of A Flipping Bus)

A bus in Shanxi province, time unknown, flew off the road and into a ditch more than two meters deep, flipping at least once along the way, killing three of the 24 passengers, two of them instantly. Want to see what that looks like? Great! Look at the above video.

But that’s not the reason for the video’s existence. It’s actually a public service announcement — the grimmest kind, like this one advertising tire safety, and this one in Zhejiang that aired on CCTV-13 – for seat belts. For you see, at the bus depot, a superviser boarded the bus to make sure that everyone had buckled up. At least one man — highlighted by this PSA — is seen unbuckling his belt shortly after the bus pulled out. When the vehicle went off the road, he flew out the window, and we’re left to assume did not survive. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

    One Response to “A Chinese PSA On Why Seat Belts Are Important (So You Don’t Get Tossed Out Of A Flipping Bus)”

    1. bert

      Forget about checking the safety, sanity, driving ability, vision, calmness or basic logic of the drivers just tell people to buckle up.


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