Durex Condom Ad Insinuates Barack Obama Is Much Larger Than Mitt Romney

Via Kaiser Kuo, here’s an official Durex ad on Sina Weibo that has pounced on yesterday’s US presidential election results. The caption reads: “The difference between Obama and Romney is…”


Here’s the ad, which was posted 12 hours ago and has been forwarded 43,714 times with 12,750 comments. I’ll leave it without comment.

    12 Responses to “Durex Condom Ad Insinuates Barack Obama Is Much Larger Than Mitt Romney”

    1. David

      Okay, so let’s entertain the notion that Romney was Asian.

      My hunch was that this kind of racial stereotyping wouldn’t just be allowed to breeze past.

      Next time I hear about ‘Asian stereotyping’ I’ll keep this in mind.


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