Come Join Us For A Beer This Sunday At Great Leap Brewing [UPDATE]

Changes are afoot at Beijing Cream. Specifically, we’ve outgrown our current site design, a relatively minimalist theme called Chunk, and very soon we’ll be rolling out our new look with its nifty features. I’ll save the details for later, but suffice to say it’ll enable us to do much more with the space here.

To ring in this new look, we’d like to invite you out for a beer. All of you*. This Sunday afternoon, the BJC crew will be at Great Leap Brewing, and we’d love to meet you. To help break the ice — and as a token of our gratitude for your support these last nine months — your first beer is on us. *Supplies are limited though, so we’re asking that you like us on Facebook before 5 pm tomorrow to give us a guest list. This way you’ll be forced to introduce yourself as well.

    8 Responses to “Come Join Us For A Beer This Sunday At Great Leap Brewing [UPDATE]”

    1. 这是中国!!!

      Why Great leap? It’s a tiny space inside, too cold to be outside and it is, by far the douchiest place in Beijing. Overpriced, warm beers. You will miss out on my sparkling personality for your choice of shit venue. Your loss, clearly.

    2. Jonathan Alpart

      Cold be damned, I’ll be there! I love venues ironically named after horrible atrocities in history. Great Leap is probably my third favorite place to grab a pint in the world, just after “Sloshwitz” and “Blitzed-Krieg” in Berlin.

    3. Amy

      I also read from abroad. Beijing nostalgia. Love your site and am interested to see 2.0.

      Also have to disagree with comments above – Great Leap is a great choice. Have a pint for me!


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