Rapist of 7-year-old girl still at large in Beijing

If you want to read a very disturbing opening paragraph from Global Times, click on its Dec. 27 article about a seven-year-old girl who was raped on Monday while walking to school in Beijing.

We’ll begin our excerpt from graf no. 2:

“This [the rape] is not a good thing. She is a little girl. If other people know this, it will damage her reputation,” said father, whose name is being withheld by the Global Times to protect the migrant worker family’s privacy.

He said the attack happened Monday afternoon as the girl walked the one mile from her home to her school, and that the girl had met the man several times before, adding that so far, the criminal is at large.

“When she can check out of the hospital, we will take her to the criminal police. She will then see the footage and detect the criminal,” he said.

Our reaction is pretty much encapsulated by this comment from Redditor Option84:

Hope it was worth it. Enjoy the bullet in the back of your head motherfucker.

Girl, 7, seriously hurt in sexual assault [Global Times]

    2 Responses to “Rapist of 7-year-old girl still at large in Beijing”

    1. Me

      Also worth mentioning, the photograph and its caption headlining the article about this tragedy.
      No, it’s not an advert for UGG knock-offs, it’s journalism at its best.

    2. KopyKatKiller

      “This [the rape] is not a good thing. She is a little girl. If other people know this, it will damage her reputation,” said father”

      Really? REALLY??? In China local gossip bags would hold it against the girl… A SEVEN YEAR OLD?!?! This is worse than the rape in my opinion.

      China… what can I say. At times like this I wish the world would take China’s 3000, 4000, 5000, or whatever it is, civilization and put it in the toilet where it belongs… flush, gurgle gurgle!


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