China’s coldest winter in decades has killed 180,000 cattle

In the south, this year’s winter is causing electric power supply problems and general discomfort (because, for reasons odd and infuriating, there is no central heating). In the north, it’s massacring animals. For the love of animals!

According to Calum MacLeod of USA Today, about 180,000 cattle have died in the north due to the extreme weather. People are inconvenienced as well.

In China, freezing weather has sent temperatures diving to a national average of 25 degrees Fahrenheit since Nov. 20, the lowest average temperature in 28 years, says the China Meteorological Administration (CMA).

In China’s frozen northeast, where the city of Harbin hosts a popular snow and ice festival each winter, temperatures over the same period averaged minus 5 degrees, a 43-year low, according to the CMA.

Stay warm out there, wherever you are. And think of the cows, those poor cows.

Eat mor chikin

Cold in China kills about 180,000 cattle, threatens power (USA Today)

    3 Responses to “China’s coldest winter in decades has killed 180,000 cattle”

    1. Liuzhou Laowai

      “because, for reasons odd and infuriating, there is no central heating”

      The reasons may be infuriating, but I don’t think they are at all odd.

      People just don’t want to spend money on central heating which may only be used for about 4-8 weeks a year.

      As your article points out, this weather is very unusual. So, we just stick on more clothes.

      That said a rapidly growing number of southern city dwellers now have air-con which provides heating, but also contributes to power shortages.

      • James

        I own property, yes, I can install central heating, but it’s a complete and utter waste of money. Just because it’s a standard off whereever you’re from doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

    2. PD

      Traditionally, property south of the Yangtze had to do without central heating; houses north of it had the complete works — which meant that it was better to live north of the river in places like Wuhan or Chungking.

      The whole paradox is that the same people who spend megabucks on aircon often refuse to heat at all.

      Clearly central heating is not very useful in eg Guanggdong, but a few buildings in HK or Macau have open fires, a pure delight, even if a foreign-inspired one.


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