Peeping weekly at the best (and worst) that was, is, and will be on the China blogosphere.
1. In case there was any confusion, no, it does not get much cuter than this:

2. This cat thinks it’s the world’s greatest leaper:

3. But this cat begs to differ:

4. Nevermind everything, we have a winner:

5. This cat does not care:

6. Cat: “Did I do that?”

7. Grumpy cat is actually happy cat: true story.

8. Heeeeeere’s Maru:

9. Creepster alert:

10. This cat’s day is absolutely ruined:

11. Why hello there:

And a bonus!

Now chill the fuck out, everyone.
This has nothing to do with China, but was still more edifying than anything King Tubby has ever posted.
This was harder to understand than Tubby-speak if you ask me.
This is terrible. Justrecently’s crazy Kat Kult is gaining traction all over the inter-tubes.
I have a massive mancrush on you, King