On The Lighter Side Of School Massacres…

School attack drill 1

Heeeeeeere’s Johnny!

The pictures are via Caijing, taken at a school safety drill in Jiangsu province. My elementary school never had this much fun: we only did fire drills.

By the way, are we sure we’re conditioning our children to take the proper measures in the face of a knife-wielding evil-doer?

School attack drill 3 School attack drill 2

    2 Responses to “On The Lighter Side Of School Massacres…”

    1. terroir

      By this token, self-protection courses in China ought to have its swaddled mock-up rapist protected with armor adorned in Hello Kitty and grinning smiles.

    2. Mike

      Shows what a fucked up country it is, they actually pose infants in pictures with cleaver wielding adults, wrong, so wrong!


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