Illustrious China Correspondents Powwow As Asia Society Launches New Blog, ChinaFile

A maraschino cherry has just been dropped into the Long Island iced tea of the China blogosphere, as Asia Society officially launched its new blog, ChinaFile, on Tuesday. The occasion was highlighted by a panel discussion in New York moderated by legendary China hand Orville Schell, featuring New York Times correspondents of past and present: Seymour Topping (who covered the Chinese civil war), Fox Butterfield (Hong Kong correspondent), Nicholas Kristof (won a Pulitzer for Tiananmen coverage), Elisabeth Rosenthal (arrived in 1997), Joseph Kahn (NYT foreign editor), and Edward Wong (current correspondent). You can watch the entire hour-and-a-half event above. (If by chance the embed’s not working, here’s the permalink.)

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