Is This The World’s First And Worst (Best?) Porn?

World's first porno 1

The art of eroticism has come a long way since 2000 BC. Check out these petroglyphs from the Bronze Age – the Kangjiashimenji Petroglyphs — found in Xinjiang. Slate’s Mary Mycio reports they were discovered in the late-80s by archaeologist Wang Binghua, with Jeannine Davis-Kimball being the first Westerner to see them.

The cast of 100 figures presents what is obviously a fertility ritual (or several). They range in size from more than nine feet tall to just a few inches. All perform the same ceremonial pose, holding their arms out and bent at the elbows. The right hand points up and the left hand points down, possibly to indicate earth and sky.

Give the article a read. With a bit of imagination, you too might see bisexual orgies, frat boys playing soggy cookie, copulation with dogs, and other weird shit. It’s like watching a fuzzed-out TV screen showing blocked pay-per-view porn.

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World's first porno 2

The World’s Oldest Pornography (Slate, h/t Alicia via Sina, which says those with triangular torsos are the females… if that helps any of you masturbators)

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