Chengguan Stabbed 7 Times: “The Most Painful Part Is That Society Doesn’t Understand”

Stabbed chengguan Guangzhou

“The most painful part isn’t the stabbing, but that society doesn’t understand.”

That’s a quote from Guangzhou chengguan bureau chief Wei Weihan, who recently saw one of his own stabbed seven times, including five times in the head.

On Sunday, Su Jiaquan, 26, was doing his job when a pineapple peddler attacked him with a knife. According to eyewitness Zhong Yongde, absolutely no one came to Su’s aid. “At the time I thought it was very sad,” Zhong said.

Su is in stable condition, but his face may be scarred for life. The Nanfang notes that bureau chief Wei has asked for public sympathy. Perhaps the young man deserves it:

Su’s parents have not yet been informed. They both have heart conditions and may not be able to handle the news, media reported. Su also has a 1 year-old son.

Apparently only nine staffers, including Su, man the five-square-kilometer neighborhood of Pojie in Guangzhou’s Tianhe District, which has a population of 200,000.

We don’t like the chengguan system, but that doesn’t mean individual chengguan deserve to be stabbed. And now we fear for the peddlers in the area, who stand to suffer if the cycle of violence doesn’t end.

Chengguan call for sympathy – really – after one is stabbed 7 times by peddler (The Nanfang)

    6 Responses to “Chengguan Stabbed 7 Times: “The Most Painful Part Is That Society Doesn’t Understand””

    1. RhZ

      So the guy who wasn’t stabbed finds society’s ignorance more painful? I suppose he would, seeing as how he didn’t get stabbed.

      So this guy was just “doing his job”, huh? And that means…what exactly? Berating and beating people?

      More likely, some other a$$wipe chengguan beat this dude up before, and now he gets his revenge…and the story never ends.

    2. Markoff

      what the society doesn’t understand? I was expecting that article will tell us. or the point was that Chinese in general are selfish egocentric ignorant nation as seen on any road, sidewalk or platform?

      btw. would be possible to change color of font for comments from light grey on white background to black on white? it’s almost impossible to see what I am writing

    3. Baas in Xiamen

      Take it like a man.

      You hassle peddlars. And then you get you ass handed to you.

      Reflect on those scars, young man. And be a better person (ie. stop being a chengguan).


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