Harlem “Noodle” Shake Promotes Shenzhen’s Upcoming Hip-Hop Festival

Remember how long it took the Gangnam Style craze to make it to China, but when it got here it was, like, ridiculous?

Is Harlem Shake on the same trajectory?

This comes via The Nanfang’s Cam MacMurchy, who’s apparently been inundated with links to “Harlem Noodle Shake,” produced by Shenzhenlocalmusic. The folk responsible for Shenzhen’s first hip-hop festival, coming up on April 20, really want this video to go viral, so help them out. You can say you were one of Chinese Harlem Shake’s “early adopters.”

This is what I mean when I say Gangnam Style ridiculousless, by the way: thisthis, and this. Don’t get me started with Novak Djokovic’s awkward rendition in Beijing.

None of those beat Taiwanese Harlem Shake, of course.

Nanfang TV: Shenzhen gets its very own Harlem Shake before big hip hop festival (The Nanfang)

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